Aish for Women


The program is designed for women who want to get back to the basics and build their own foundations in Jewish learning. Aspire is about personal, spiritual, and professional development through inspiring classes to find questions and answers about Jewish practice, philosophy and spirituality. We encourage group bonding, fun, and friendships. The women become part of our family, and have the chance to ask questions and do self-work through workshops on topics such as integrating Jewish growth to family life and how to grow through ‘baby steps’. Our students come out inspired and developed in all realms. The program is run by Torah-observant staff and includes learning sessions based on traditional texts and wisdom.


Michal Dubov



Program dates & details

Program Dates: June 16 – August 10
Application Deadline: April 11
Cost: $599 + airfare


2 Months


Program break down:
First 10 days: Sessions focusing on Judaism, Jewish identity, and personal development/workshops/trips
Internship period: 4 days internships and 1 days classes/workshops/trips
4 weekends together, 4 free weekends